Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I try not to have too many wants.  (Really!)  But I seriously wish that my car had one of those little jacks for my ipod.  Oh, and either that the driver's side window went up and down consistently--or--that the AC worked. 

I know.  I know.  Sometimes I feel guilty because little wants flit in my head sometimes all day long.  (Like, wow, I love that girls shoes/handbag/earrings/etc., I'd love a cute pair of teal pumps/nice leather handbag/dangly gold earrings like those.)  Then later I feel a bit guilty because, really, my life is so good.  How could I possibly want more?!  And of course, also there are children starving in Africa in North Carolina right here in this city! everywhere.

So yes, I understand.  Wants versus Needs.  Give more.  Want less.  Yes, of course, yes.  But all I'm saying is that it would be really cool if I could be listening to my podcasts and audio books on my drive home from work and then just like that seemlessly unplug, pop in earphones, and keep! on! listening! while walking Mr. Mason. 

Mr. Mason wants this too because he thinks his walks would last longer. 

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